Monday, December 13, 2010
Agenda 7 for 12/13 - 12/17
PRS Vocabulary Quiz
Finish storyboards; due today
HW: Finish chapter 13 (pg. 105-114)
QW on theme: soldiering vs. farming
Read chapter 14 in class (pg 115-128)
HW: Read chapter 15 (pg 129-135) + Literary Response Journal
Share HW, textual evidence/theme assign
Read chapter 16 (pg 136-147) in class
HW: Finish chapter 17 (pg. 148-153)
QW: Personal reaction to the book
Read chapter 18 in class
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Agenda 7 for 12/6 - 12/10
Review chapter 10
Jeopardy/CM review
Read chapter 11 (pg 84-94)
Letter from Dara Assignment
HW: Finish Letter from Dara
Begin chapter 12 (94-104)
Introduction to CM Storyboard Assignment
Brainstorm storyboard ideas
HW: finish chapter 12
CM storyboard work period
Benchmark Test
Work on storyboards
HW: Read chapter 13 (pg 105-114)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Agenda 7 for 11/29 - 12/3
QW: recalling the reading
review Clay Marble chapters 1-5
read chapter 6 (pg 44-53)
HW: Finish chapter 6
QW/ Discussion Question
read chapter 7 (pg 54-63)
forming questions assignment
Clay Marble Jeopardy
HW: read chapter 8 (pg 64-71)
brief review for quiz on chapters 7/8
short answer quiz: chapters 7/8
Read chapter 9 (pg 72-77)
PRS Vocabulary Quiz
Vocabulary Flashcards
HW: Read CM chapter 10
Monday, November 15, 2010
Agenda 7 for 11/15-11/19
QW: Vocabulary Context
Clay Marble: Vocabulary Chart
HW: Finish Vocabulary Chart
Clay Marble: Chapter 2 paired reading
Chapter guide for CH 2 (pg 23-29)
Clay Marble: Class reading of Chapter 3 (pg 23-29)
Characterization Chart for CH 1/2/3
Begin chapter 4
HW: Finish CH 4 (pg 30-36)
Brief review of reading
Short answer quiz on chapters 3 &4
Begin chapter 5 (pg 37-43)
PRS Vocabulary Quiz 7
PRS Flashcards 8
Finish Chapter 5
QW: Reading Reflection
Monday, November 8, 2010
Agenda 7 for 11/8-11/12
Narrative Checklists
Library: Turn in Taking Sides and check out Clay Marble
Check Grammar Books chapters 2 and 3
Turn in Final Drafts
Clay Marble: Predictions and Powerpoint
HW: Study Vocab
Clay Marble: Preface and Authors Purpose
Veterans Day (No School)
PRS Vocab Test 5
PRS Vocab List 6
Read Clay Marble Chapter 1
HW: 3 Unfamiliar Words from Chapter 1
Monday, October 25, 2010
Agenda 7 for 11/1-11/5
Figurative Language PPT
Read Taking Sides 13
HW: Taking Sides Final Test due Thursday 11/4
HW: Your Story Plot Pyramids due 11/2
Tuesday 11/2 ELECTION DAY
Library-Narrative draft 2 (typing)
Wednesday 11/3
Narrative draft 2 terms
HW: Narrative terms of your story
PRS Vocab Test 5
PRS Vocab List 6
HW: Finish and print Narrative Drafts
Friday 11/5
Narrative editing
Check Grammar chapters 2 and 3
HW: Final Narrative Drafts due Monday 11/8
Agenda 7 for 10/25-10/29
Monday 10/25
QW: What is your best story?
Consider prior quickwrites and the list of ideas
Correct Grammar Review 2/3
HW: Draft Narrative quickwrites
Tuesday 10/26
Turn in Narrative drafts
Finish Correcting Grammar Nouns/Pronouns Review
Grammar Test Nouns/Pronouns
HW: Taking Sides Chapter 12 and Guide
Wednesday 10/27
Narrative Assignment Sheet
Start Narrative Story Boards
Check Grammar books 2/3
Thursday 10/28
Narrative Action ppt.
Continue Narrative Story Boards
Start Narrative Pyramids
Friday 10/29
PRS Vocab Test 4
PRS Vocab List 5
Finish Narrative Story Boards and Pyramids
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Agenda 7 for 10/18-10/22
Binder Reminders
PRS Vocab Test 2 and Correct
PRS Vocab Flashcards 3
Library: Scary Stories
HW: Read TS 10
QW Taking Sides Symbolism
HW: Grammar 3.4
Correct Grammar 3.4
Nouns/Pronouns Review
Read TS 11
HW: Vocab Practice
QW: Make a list of the best/worst memorable events from your life.
PRS Vocab Test 3
PRS Vocab List 4
Maybe read TS 12
HW: Study Grammar
Monday, October 11, 2010
Agenda 7 for 10/11-10/15
Correct Grammar 2.3
Read Taking Sides Chapter 7
HW:Complete Response Journal for TS 6-7
Collect and Catch Up
Turn in Response Journals and Literary Term Practice
Partner read Taking Sides chapter 8
Chapter 8 Character Chart (partners)
QW: Who is the most interesting character in your life?
Collect Partner Character Charts
Grammar 3.1 and Correct
HW: TS Chapter 9
Team Analysis and Reports
HW: Vocab Practice
Change: Finish Team Analysis
Monday, October 4, 2010
CST Practice Question 10/4
Read the following SAT test question, then click on a button to select your answer.
To make an orange dye, parts of red dye are mixed with
parts of yellow dye. To make a green dye,
parts of blue dye are mixed with
part of yellow dye. If equal amounts of green and orange are mixed, what fraction of the new mixture is yellow dye?
Agenda 7 for 10/4-10/8
CST Practice Question
Taking Sides Chapter 3 Characterization Chart
Finish Grammar 2.2
HW: Taking Sides Chapter 4
Elements of Narrative Terms
Correct Grammar 2.2
HW: Read Taking Sides Chapter5
Taking Sides 4/5 Chapter Guide
Read "Thank You M'am"
QW: I'll never forget when we...
Elements of Narrative Practice: "Thank You M'am"
HW: Grammar 2.3
PRS Vocab Test 1
PRS Vocab List 2
HW: Taking Sides Chapter 6
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Agenda 7 for 9/27-10/1
Library- Genre-Rama Presentation
Review and correct Taking Sides Chapter Guide 1
Read "A Crush" Lit Book p. 68
HW Grammar 2.1
Textual Evidence Powerpoint and Notes
Correct Grammar 2.1
HW Read Taking Sides Chapter 2
Taking Sides Chapter 2 Response Journal
HW Taking Sides 3
Greek/Latin Roots Vocabulary List 1 (Test 10/8)
-Flash Cards
Grammar 2.2
STAR Practice Question 9/21
The following sentence contains either a single error or no error at all. If the sentence contains an error, select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. If the sentence contains no error, select choice E.
Although | it is not a fast runner, | wolves | can |
A | B |
maintain a loping run for many miles, | running | |
C |
throughout the night | if necessary | . | No error | |
D | E |
Monday, September 20, 2010
Agenda 7 for 9/20-9/24
QW: Have you ever been really excited? Tell me about it.
Quotation Power Point
Correct Grammar 11.4
STAR Practice Question
Complete Grammar 11.7
Correct Grammar 11.7
Grammar: Punctuation Review
HW: Study for Grammar Test
Library: Check out Taking Sides
Grammar Test: Punctuation
HW:Taking Sides: Read Chapter 1
Correct Grammar Books
Taking Sides Chapter Guide 1
Thursday, September 16, 2010
STAR Practice Question 9/16
Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
The success of the Norman Invasion depended on ------- logistical operation: in planning it, William the Conqueror wisely left no detail -------.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Agenda 7 for 9/13-9/17
Complete Calvin and Hobbes Pyramids
Work on Next Grammar Lesson
HW: Last Chance to Finish Name Essays
Finish C&H Posters
Start Grammar 11.2
Grade Checks
Name Essay Editing
STAR Practice Question
Correct Grammar 11.2
Complete Grammar 11.3
Turn in Name Essay Final Drafts
Correct Grammar 11.3
Start Grammar 11.4
Friday, September 10, 2010
Calvin and Hobbes Pyramid
English 7
Calvin and Hobbes Story Pyramid
After discussing the example comic strip, you will now break down one on your own.
This is a pair assignment. Your partner is your neighbor. Together, cut out (carefully, each panel of your strip.
Second, organize each panel into categories: Exposition, rising action, climax, and resolution. You will have to order each in the sequence that it occurred.
Third, draw, neatly, a story pyramid on your large paper and place each slide where it fits along the pyramid.
Now you will need to write a caption for each stage of the pyramid, Use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar:
Exposition: Include reference to character, setting, and background.
Rising Action: Identify the conflict.
Climax: Identify ONE climactic event.
Resolution: Explain and predict the outcomes.
Finally, create a properly formatted heading and creative title in ink.
Grading will be done based on a 4 pt. rubric scale that will have an emphasis on neatness and appearance so work carefully. All work will be done in class.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Agenda 7 for 9/6-9/10
Library Orientation
Collect Name Essay typed drafts Quickwrite: What is your favorite Disney movie? Please explain in detail the exposition of that story. Remember, exposition is the character, setting, and background details that the reader/viewer must understand before the rising action of the story can commence.
Grammar 10.4 and Correct
Introduce Calvin & Hobbes Pyramids
Grammar 11.1
Calvin & Hobbes Plot Pyramids
Thursday, September 2, 2010
STAR Practice Question 9/2
Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
The store manager was ------- when sales dropped for the third year in a row; that was why she ------- our department for its lack of effort.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Friday's Lesson
What is the most interesting thing you have learned from your parents when you asked about names? (40+ words)
Finish and Correct Grammar 10.3
"Names/Nombres: Questions from the lit book pp. 43-44
-Answer # 1, 3, 4, 5 in 2-3 complete sentences
-Complete Vocabulary and Spelling from p. 44 including Spelling #2
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Behind Your Name Research (Home)
Ask you family about where your name came from. Why that name? What about your middle name? What if you had been a boy/girl? What was their second choice for your name? Were you named after anyone? Tell me about them. What are your parents’ names? Any stories there? How about siblings? Find something interesting?
Behind Your Name Research (Library)
Your task is to find as much information about your name as you can! You can research your FIRST, MIDDLE, and/or your LAST name. Be thinking specifically of how your name origin and meaning fits your personality.
**Answer these questions on a separate piece of paper**
Use the websites below to answer the questions that follow:
1. What does your name mean?
2. What is the origin of your name or what is the language of its origin?
3. In what time period was your name popular?
4. List at least two more interesting facts you have found about your name using the web sites from above.
5. Was your name popular when you were born (use the site or )? Is your name a popular one to be used today? Make sure to list the number your name is on the list if it is on either list!
6. What famous or important people, present and past, share your name?
7. Finally, search for a name that you like. Why do you like this name? Do you like the way it sounds? Find the meaning of this name:
8. Did you find that your name meaning fit your personality? How so or why not? Did the other name you searched for match you better? Why or why not?