Friday, April 30, 2010

Technology Research Assignment

Introduction: For this assignment, you will be researching elements of technology that we use daily, but often take for granted. You will research how the technology was invented, how it works, how it is made, and the future of the technology.

The approved technology topics are:

Cell phones





The Internet



Video Games

Each topic cannot have more than four people. Topics will be selected on interest (top 3) and by a drawing.


You must use at least THREE different sources.

CIA World Factbook or Grolier’s (online)

A book, magazine, or newspaper of your choice (not online)

A credible website of your choice

You must have at least THREE pages of notes.

You will write the source information at the top of your notes page, and then your notes from that source will be written below.

You will write summary, paraphrase, and direct quotes for your notes.

10 points- Notes

10 points- Outline

30 points- Works Cited

50 points- Research Paper

30 points- Research Presentation


Your research paper will be in MLA format (12 size font, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, title and heading, and in-text citations). You will learn about this format during the unit. The total length should be 3 pages (not including the works cited page).

Assignment components:

Research Paper Breakdown:

5 points- Length (3 pages)

5 points- Thesis Statement

10 points- Grammar/Punctuation/

MLA Format

10 points- 5 in-text citations

20 points- Content


This is a list of sources you used to write your paper. It is the last page of your research paper. You will learn how to do this.


This is a presentation you will make in front of your class about a section of your paper. You will be in a group with others who researched the same technology topic. A separate handout will be given with instructions for the presentation.


____ Notes Due:

____Outline Due:

____Research Paper Due:

____Works Cited Due:

____Presentation Poster Due:

Adapted from an assignment by Mrs. Lower

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chapter Guide Instructions (for those that pretend not to know)

1) Write a five sentence summary of plot and setting.

Include one piece of textual evidence to prove your statements.

2) Describe a new character or new information relating to an existing character.

Include one piece of textual evidence to prove your statements.

3) Explain two new words you were previously unfamiliar with.

4) Create two questions that could be part of a chapter quiz and answer them.

5) Write a prediction for the events of the next few chapters.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

English 7 Agenda 4/26/2010-4/30/2010

The Giver Quick Write 2
Correct and Post Grammar 6.3
Read Chapter 1
HW: Chapter 1 Guide

Start Grammar 6.4
Start Chapter 2
HW: Finish first page of 6.4

Vocab. Definitions
Finish Chapter 2
(If time) Continue Grammar 6.4
HW: Finish Grammar 6.4

Quiz Questions Ch. 1-2 (From website)
Start Chapter 3
Venn Diagram Worksheet Ch 1-3
HW: Finish Worksheet

Vocab Test
Finish Chapter 3
Introduce Research Assignment

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Giver Quick Write 2

Write a 6 sentence paragraph about what would happen to a person who did not obey the rules for your Utopia (if they were visiting or lived there).