Tuesday, April 13, 2010

English 7 Agenda 4/12/2010-4/16/2010


Quick Write "Technology"

Finish and Correct Grammar 6.1

Discuss Technology and Start "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury


Quick Write "Technology 2"

Start Grammar 6.2

Read "The Veldt"

HW: 2nd period only “Pleasantville” viewing permission slips. Please return ASAP

Wednesday (late start)

New Seats

Finish "The Veldt"

Finish and Correct Grammar 6.2


First Day of STAR Testing : We will be testing my 2nd period class in here. We will have my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period 7th graders in the afternoon.

Start viewing MSND movie


Finish MSND Movie