A. The Language of Literature: Emphasis on poetry in addition to various short stories, and pieces of short fiction and dramatic selections.
B. "The Samurai's Tale" continued
C. “A Midsummer Night's Dream” by William Shakespeare
D. The Giver
2. Writing and Project
A. Persuasive Essay
B. Research Report
C. Poetry Portfolio
D. The Giver Map
E. Medieval "Day in the Life" Essay
3. Vocabulary and Test Preparation
A. The Language of Literature: Poetry terms and poetry selection vocabulary
B. STAR Practice Questions
C. Greek and Latin Roots
D. Novel vocabulary
4. Grammar
A. Nouns/Pronouns (Chapters 2-3)
B. Verbs (Chapter 4)
C. Adjectives/Adverbs (Chapters 5-6)